Star Trek Windows Spracherkennung


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Star Trek Windows SpracherkennungStar trek windows spracherkennung 2017

It's big because it's just not seen as the done thing and the anyway so that skip forward now the 19 nineties and specifically to 1998 which was when at the establishment of the website fanfiction. Net which was when fanfiction really took off in a really new way and an interesting thing was happening at this time uh within the mainstream literature actually also contemporary experimental science fiction of writers work due back in time when when everyone was really excited by the internet and an the internet which is gonna be this amazing things that change everything and everything was going to be brilliant and LiveJournal still. Just changed up the gender and race of the main characters they've made and they have a female heroine as the female hero and they've got a black love interest and that is all you need to make the story so unbelievably radical these days that it will have half the Internet of pronouncing know this is too far yeah real science fiction is about men fighting wars on the moon and that's all it can never be in all ever will be and which is shows that you haven't read half science fiction set and another but. Of the interesting things is that people always written stories right right from metropolis on for almost a 100 years now the but in writing in telling stories about feminized or female androids N. A eyes and it is this really interesting mode in it to this in a really interesting fictional mode because from long before we actually have the capacity to make AI we've been imagining robots emerging what it might mean to have robots to do basic work for us for free and that the clue is in the name as robot derives from the Czech word for slave and then right through for Metropolis up to the battles that the latter case the reason the the X matching the the film have we had there is this what the writer capturing crossed calls this a deal the memory of the future and the idea that. We are gonna it we have these creatures were going to exploit them and what Saturn uh look like and then I think it is not accident that we imagine these exploited creatures were designed to be exploited we imagine them as women because I think it's not just about working out whether robots to human it's about working out on a basic level whether women a human and then you can see that the story is always the same right crops up in comics and everything story is you know that young normally shiny Neddie's.

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Star Trek Windows Spracherkennung 2017

These characters are the is the same self in sort of perfect character and you know it's not criticized when that's a do because the Digimon meant to will not yeah by asking I think raised quite boring character to she doesn't have any flaws that this is different different because practices frightened overtime and she's kind of stubborn and nobody really likes and that's what makes her interesting characters and words right a think they were just a bit nervous about doing what they done anyway so they didn't bother to give her any flawless. Harry Potter and them well I mean I don't think so anyway people have different different ideas about the yeah Kenneth Branagh character in in in the 2nd but the movie but that's just like ever notice that the committee and so on and so M. But yeah there are no openly gay characters and this is a way of rectifying that because culture has moved on so far in the 20 years since that that was being written it just has it's a way of keeping it in many ways relevant OK thank you very much for your time I.