Basic Greek Phrases Pdf Download
. Days/Nights. Easy Greek Phonetic Phrases Page 1You know how we English speakers say ' It's Greek to me'? Well, Greeks say 'It's Chinese to me'There are many good texts on the Demotic (modern) Greek language.
Greek Phrases For Travelers Pdf
This guide is only intendedto offer you the basics necessary to enhance you trip. I figure if you reallywant to learn Greek, you'll go out and find a book (try the public library) or one of the many good pocket size phrase books available.In Greece in general, and on maps and street signs, place names are spelled differentlyby everybody including me.
. To promote the Greek language in the framework of the Olympic Games of 2004. Considering the organi-zation of the Olympic Games of 2004 in Athens as an opportunity for the promotion of the Greek language the INLET project will indicate innovative ways to pro-mote the learning and the use of the Greek language. Basic Greek phrases - The essential Greek phrases that travelers should know and learn first. Basic Greek phrases. With pronunciations. Greek phrase sheet Your trip to Greece will be more interesting if you learn the following basic Greek phrases. Good morning.
Its a long story having to do with different conquerorstrying to label things. A little bit of each language is left over.
When notsure people guess how to spell things. Its so darn hot!Greeks are totally used to foreigners and don't really expect you to speak Greek butyou'll have a better time if you know even a little. Just print this out anduse it when you need it!Many signs that you'll see are in both latin alphabet and Greek.
They will help youfigure out relationships between the alphabets. There are some letter combinationsin upper case that are pronounced differently as well as single letters thatare pronounced differently than the English; NT=D, B=V for example. A 'g'is an upside down' L', an 'L' is an upside down V,. A 'th'sound is a O with a small horizontal bar in the middle of it.A semicolon; is a question mark in Greek, they put periods where we would putcommas in writing sums.
Basic Stuff PleasePA-Ra-Ka-LoThankYouEf-hari-stoYesNehWaterNe-rhoFirstclassPro-tosThe-si-osNoO-heeHelloYa-souSecondclassDef-ter-osThe-si-osShitSkataGoodByeYa-souThirdClassTri-tiThe-si-osJerkoffMa-la-kasGoodMorningKali-MeraWhy?Ya-tiFuckGha-motoGoodEveningKali-speraMyname isMelene.FuckoffAghamesouGoodNightKali-neek-taWhat'syour name?Pos-seleneFuckthemghameesetousHoware you?Tee-caneeseIhave a boyfriendEh-HoFee-looneen-neHoware you?
Basic Greek phraseswith pronunciationsGreekphrase sheetYour trip to Greece will be more interesting if you learn the following basicGreek phrases.Good morningGood afternoon / eveningGood nightGoodbyeHelloHow are you?Well / goodThank youYou're welcome / pleaseSorryYesNoWhat's your name?My name isDo you speak English?I don't understandCan you help me?What time is it?Where is?I wantHow much is it?LeftRightOpenClosedGreek phrasepointersIt's not easy to learn the Greek language because Greek has its ownalphabet. Here are a few helpful pointers that would be correct inmost instances.Letter IPronounce the letter Ias 'ee' (rhymes with 'see')Letter GPronouncethe letter 'g' asthe letter 'y'.Letter DPronounce the letter 'd' as you would pronounce the soft 'th' in 'theology'.Learn my otherGreece tips and insights.