Rgb To Munsell Converterlite
I've been googling a lot about this and the closest RAL color i found was RAL 6018. But this one doesn't match perfectly to the original colour. And when I look at different websites the RGB values for this RAL 6018 is different every time?? Very strange. How do I know what color it will be when there's different RGB values every time?
Color conversion based on a look-up table of common soil colors.
Rgb To Munsell Converter Lite 4
HSL codingHSL codingThe HSL Model ( Hue, Saturation, Luminance), based on the work of painter Albert H.Munsell (who created the Munsell Atlas), is a representation model known as “natural”, that is, close to the physiological perception of color by the human eye. Indeed, the RGB model, however well adapted it may be for the computer representation of colors or for showing them on peripheral display devices, does not allow colors to be selected easily.Indeed, RGB color adjustment with computer tools is generally done by using three slide blocks or of three cells with the relative values for each primary component, however the lightening of a color requires the respective values of each component to be increased proportionally.