Drawings 6 Pro Embroidery Digitizing Software Download
Creative DRAWings is a state of the art embroidery software that replaces the need for high end digitizing packages. Using the revolutionary DRAWstitch technology, any image in DRAWstitch edition can be instantly converted to a flawless embroidery file. Creative DRAWings is not a static software that just converts images to stitches; it is an interactive product which helps the user release.
DRAWings® 6 Professional- Professional Commercial Embroidery SoftwareDRAWings® 6 Pro is a revolutionary new generation of intelligent and interactive embroidery software. It has new build-in graphic design tools as well as being integrated seamlessly into CorelDRAW® X3,X4 and X5. DRAWings® 6 Pro is also capable of both converting vector artwork into embroidery, with premium stitch quality in a matter of seconds, and performing traditional custom manual digitizing!Being the first in the industry using DRAWstitch Technology to integrate its high quality embroidery stitch engine seamlessly into the graphic software CorelDRAW® since 2005, DRAWings® 6 Pro has become an essential corporate embroidery tool in many screen printing businesses, promotional companies and small embroidery operations throughout the world.
- With embroidery digitizing software almost universally able to import vector, there is a valid reason to question whether or not simply importing a vector drawing and assigning stitch settings to each element provides a time savings versus redrawing, despite what one might trade in stitch quality for that convenience.
- An embroidery digitizing software suitable for both the beginner or the savvy digitizer to combine with their existing software. Creative DRAWings is a unique. It allows you to create designs automatically, easily and fast, without needing to worry about advanced embroidery digitizing technology.
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